Bring in the NEW. South Florida Oceanfront Bay and Condo Blogsouthflorida changed to

downtown miami2

Change is good.  We are about to launch a new website with a new name.  I will continue to analyze and follow the incredible investment opportunities in the South Florida market.  Those that have been following me over the years are familiar with my in depth knowledge and analytical view of one of the most exciting places in the world.   Even though we all love technology,  those that are subscribing to blogsouthflorida’s RSS feed  and are receiving automated emails from me will have to go to and subscribe to the new website.  Unfortunately I can not automate the process without you accepting the subscription.I have taken some time off from my writing but I am about to start posting blogs again on the exciting developing activity in Miami, Miami Beach, Edgewater, the Design District, Midtown, and up the coast.  Growing up in New York and seeing the amazing transformation of Soho, Greenwich Village and the West Side I know a good thing when I see it coming.

My client base is primarily investors and second home buyers.  This is such an exciting time and the changes that are forthcoming are being fueled by international and national funds.  The diversity of our culture is like no where else in the world.  Historically I must brag that every client over the last 12 years has done extremely well with the investments they have made with my guidance.   The changes happening in developing communities around South Florida remind me of the changes that I lived through in New York.  From a real estate perspective, the opportunities are tremendous. is currently active but still being worked on for minor corrections.  The RSS feed will be up shortly.  Please subscribe and you will be on the list to receive my updates on the ever changing exciting investment opportunities in South Florida.  Fasten your seat belts !!

fisher island


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